The girl - the cowboy - photographer Bobbie Goodrich.
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The girl - the cowboy - photographer Bobbie Goodrich.
Strong, fast, often playful,
Languid, nervous, proud, obstinate,
Smart, loyal, very vulnerable,
Always and everywhere dearly loved.
Wind and Time only subservient,
Freestyle born, eternally beautiful.
Photographer, painter, a teacher from Santa Fe, New Mexico Bobbie Goodrich. Her photographic image is more than just photos. "My process is intuitive, I use the same principles as for the successful creation of oil painting. It is a love and passion for their work. The biggest reward for me - it is an emotional response from the viewer." Bobbie conducts seminars, gives master - classes, a welcome guest at conferences, many of her students have been recognized under its tutelage. A great lover of travel Bobbie Goodrich lately keen study of indigenous cultures of the African continent and its flora and fauna.
05:02 | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)
Djordje Prudnikoff
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NevesomoMisticheskoe ..
Djordje Prudnikoff
Moment of relaxation
Flowers and Aleksa
First music lesson
A couple
Girl with guitar
Days of Happiness
Marina Kolubaeva - Actress
A Pet
08:48 | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)
Color nation - Russian countess in painting the great artists
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Color nation - Russian countess in painting the great artists
Liszt - Nocturne "Dreams of Love"
Branickaya, nee. Engelhardt, Alexandra (1754-1838) - the niece and lover Grigory Potemkin, the wife of the Crown Hetman of Poland Xavier Branitsky.
Artist I.Grassi, 1793
Kridener, nee. Lerhenfeld, Amalia Maksimilianovna (1808-1888) - illegitimate daughter M.Lerhenfelda, German diplomat and statesman, Bavarian envoy to Russia and Princess Therese of Thurn and Taxis, nee Princess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz.
The artist Karl Joseph Stieler, 1827
Potocki, Olga Stanislavovna by her husband Naryshkin (1802-1861) - the daughter of the Polish magnate Stanislav Szcz?sny Potocki and famous adventurer Sofia Glyavone.
Artist N.S.Froste, 1830
Thick, nee. Baryatinsky Princess Anna Ivanovna (1772-1825) - the sister of the actual Chamberlain Prince I.I.Baryatinskogo wife Marshal N.A.Tolstogo; a close friend of the Empress Elizabeth Alexeyevna.
Portrait of E.Vizhe-Lebrun, 1790
Vorontsov, nee. Senyavin, Ekaterina A. (1761-1784) - the maid of honor, the daughter of Admiral A.N.Senyavina; the wife of the ambassador in London, Count S.R.Vorontsova; mother of Field Marshal Count Vorontsov; sister Mistress M.A.Naryshkinoy.
Artist Dmitry Levitsky, 1783
Divov, nee. Buturlina Countess, Elizabeth (1762-1813) - the maid of honor of Catherine II, the niece of her friends Vorontsova-Dashkova, the wife of a privy councilor Adrian Divov.
Portrait of A.Grafa 1794
Zavadovskaya, nee. Apraksina, Vera (1768-1845) - the maid of honor, Dame of the Order of St. Catherine smaller cross, one of the greatest beauties of his time; wife, a favorite of Catherine II and the first Minister of Education Russian Count PV Zavadovskiy.
Artist VLBorovikovsky, 1790
Lopuchin, nee. Baroness von Venkstern, Anna (Jeanette) I. (1786-1869) - a famous beauty, the first marriage Countess Alopeus; mother of Lieutenant General F.D.Alopeusa.
Artist Friedrich Johann Gottlieb Lieder, 1821
Musin-Pushkin, nee. Shernvall, Emilia Karlovna (1810-1846) - a famous beauty (she dedicated madrigal Lermontov), ??friend of Alexander Pushkin, the sister of the famous Aurora Demidova.
Artist Gau VI, 1840
Naryshkin, Golitsyn by her husband, Elena (1785-1855), the first marriage of Princess Italica, Countess of Suvorov-Rymniksky; - Maid of honor; A.L.Naryshkina and daughter Mary Senyavin, granddaughter of the famous admiral A.N.Senyavina sister LA and K.A.Naryshkinyh; Generalissimo Suvorov daughter, cousin of Count Vorontsov.
Artist VLBorovikovsky, 1799
Orlov-Cesme, nee. Lopuchin, Evdokia N. (1761-1786) - wife of Count Alexei Grigoryevich Orlov, mother-cells of honor Anna Orlova Alekseevny.
Artist Jean-Louis de Valley, k.1780's
Orlova, nee. Zinoviev, Ekaterina Nikolaevna (1758-1781) - the cousin and wife of former favorite of Catherine II of Prince Grigory Orlov.
Artist Roars, Fyodor Stepanovich
Orlov-Cesme, Anna A. (1785-1848) - cameras, maid of honor, the only daughter of Alexei Orlov, an associate of Empress Catherine II, and heir to his multimillion-dollar state.
Portrait of I.V.Bazhenova 1838
Protasov, Anna Stepanovna (1745-1826) - a trusted maid of honor of Catherine II.
Portrait by Dmitry Levitsky, k.1790's
Pushkin Dubbelt, Natalia Aleksandrovnaa, Countess Merenberg (1836-1913) - the daughter of Alexander Pushkin, morganatic wife of Prince Nicholas William of Nassau.
Artist I.K.Makarov 1849
Rostopchin, nee. Protasov, Catherine Petrovna (1776-1859) - the maid of honor, author of several works of spiritual content; wife of Moscow governor-general F.V.Rostopchina writer and mother of the Countess de Segur.
Portrait by Orest Kiprensky, 1809
Stroganov, nee. Golitsyn, Sophia Vladimirovna (1775-1845) - the maid of honor four empresses, the youngest daughter "whiskered Princess" N.P.Golitsynoy sister Moscow Governor-General Prince D.V.Golitsyna and Mistress E.V.Apraksinoy; wife of General Count P.A.Stroganova. Was very friendly with the Empress Elizabeth A..
Artist Jean Laurent Monier, 1808
Zubov, nee. Suvorov, Natalia (1775-1844) - Field Marshal Suvorov's only daughter, who affectionately called her "Suvorochkoy." Married to Nicholas Zubov, brother of the last favorite of Catherine II.
Artist VLBorovikovsky 1795
Fikelmon, nee. Countess Tizengauzen, Daria Fyodorovna (1804-1863) - the granddaughter of Kutuzov, E.M.Hitrovo daughter, the wife of the Austrian diplomat and politician K.L.Fikelmona. Known as the St. Petersburg salon hostess and author of a thorough "secular diary" in which record a special interest in Pushkinists cause fragments on Pushkin and his wife, and a detailed report of the duel and the death of Pushkin.
Watercolor PF Sokolov, 1837
Hitrovo, nee. Golenishcheva-Kutuzov, Elizabeth M. (1783-1839), the first married Countess Tizengauzen, daughter of Mikhail Kutuzov, a friend of Pushkin. The mistress of the famous St. Petersburg salon.
Portrait of PF Sokolov, 1838
Chernyshev, nee. Rzhevskaya, Avdotya Ivanovna (1693-1747) - the general's, nicknamed "Avdotya virago" given to her by Peter I, one of the mistresses of Peter the Great, according to Vilboa, "his erratic behavior had a detrimental effect on the health of Peter"; mother, brothers Chernyshev - prominent figures of the reign of Catherine II.
Unknown artist of the XVIII century
Chernyshev, nee. Isleneva, Anna Alexandrovna (1740-1794) - relative (mother) Prince GAPotyomkin, wife of Field Marshal on the fleet, the president of the Admiralty Board Count Ivan G. Chernyshev.
Artist S.Torelli, 1764
Chernyshev, nee Ushakov, Catherine Andreyevna (1715-1779) - maid, daughter of Count A.I.Ushakova; stepsister of Field Marshal S.F.Apraksina; the wife of a diplomat Count P.G.Chernyshёva; mother Countess D.P.Saltykovoy and Princess N.P.Golitsynoy.
The artist Alexander Roslin, 1776
Sheremeteva, Anna Petrovna (1744-1768) - the maid of honor, daughter P.B.Sheremeteva; Bride mentor Grand Duke N.I.Panina.
Artist I.P.Argunov 1760
Shuvalov, nee. Shepeleva, Moor Egorovna (1708-1759) - the closest friend of Elizabeth and her lady-State court, the wife of Peter Ivanovich Shuvalov. It was her influence owes its elevation party Shuvalov.
Portrait of Antropov, the end of the 1750s
Demidov, Karamzin, Aurora Karlovna (Eva Aurora Charlotte Stjernvall), 1808-1902 - the public figure, the maid of honor at the imperial court in Finland. Aurora Stjernvall and her sister Emilia (in marriage Countess Musin-Pushkin) were among the first Petersburg beauties.
Painter Bryullov KP, 1837
Vorontsov, nee. Skavronskaya Countess Anna Karlovna (1722-1776) - wife of Chancellor Count M.I.Vorontsova, cousin of the Empress Elizabeth, State lady.
Artist A.P.Andropov 1763
Vorontsov, Catherine Semenovna, in marriage Lady Pembroke (1783-1856) - maid, daughter of Count S.R.Vorontsova, sister of Count Vorontsov, the wife of George Herbert Earl of Pembroke.
Artist Henry Raeburn, 1810s
Ghana Evelyn (Pol. Ewelina Hańska), née Countess House of Rzewuski (1801-1882) - Polish landowner and Russian subjects, the wife of Honore de Balzac.
The artist Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller 1835
Potocki, nee. Glyavone, Sofia K., first marriage Witt, in the second - Potocki (1760-1822) - Constantinople courtesan of Greek origin, one of the legends was a concubine of the Sultan, girlfriend of many celebrities, spy and adventurer, was able to become a Polish aristocrat (titled Countess).
Artist I.B.Lampi, 1790
Samoilov, nee. Trubetskaya, Ekaterina, (1763-1830 year) - the maid of honor, the wife of the procurator-general A.N.Samoylova, sister of Prince V.S.Trubetskogo and Baroness Stroganov, mother N.A.Samoylova and Countess SA .Bobrinskoy-law Yu.P.Samoylovoy.
Artist and B-Lumpy, 1792-1796
Andro, nee. Venison, Anna A. (1808-1888) - the daughter of the president of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, Alexei Olenin. Beloved Pushkin in 1828-29 years. Musician and singer. Author hitherto unpublished diaries and memoirs of Pushkin. Wife of Vice President of Warsaw graph F.A.Lanzherona.
Portrait of O. Kiprensky, 1828
Samoilov, Julia Pavlovna (1803-1875) - the countess, daughter of General Palena and Mary Skavronskaia, maid of honor, famous for its relationship with the artist Karl Briullov.
Artist B.Sh.Mituar 1825
Vorontsov, nee. Branickaya, Elizaeta Ksaverevna (1792-1880) - Light Princess, State lady honorary trustee in the management of women's schools, maid of honor, Dame of the Order of St. Catherine; recipient of many poems of Alexander Pushkin; wife Novorossiysk Governor-General Vorontsov.
Artist George Hayter, 1839
Zavadovskaya, nee. Vlodek, Elena (1807-1874) - the daughter of General of Cavalry, Adjutant General M.F.Vlodeka, the wife of the chief prosecutor of the Senate V.P.Zavadovskogo. One of the most brilliant fashionable beauties of Pushkin's time, the exceptional beauty of it never ceased to repeat the letters and memories of that era; friend of Mikhail Lermontov; her poems dedicated Pushkin, I.I.Kozlov, PA Vyazemsky.
Alfred Edward Chalon artist (Chalon Alfred Edward), watercolor, 1838
Your krasoyu shine Mladost
You're in love hearts given,
Bright, captivating, as joy,
And how thoughtful, gentle.
In the face of the beautiful. snow-white
And scarlet roses on her cheeks -
Everywhere all breathe a gentle heart.
It is in the sight of the blue,
It is a smile on his lips;
And, as a ruddy dawn
Sun shine flame jet
Life throws to heaven -
So pure angelic soul
Illuminated by your beauty ...
I.I.Kozlov (E.M.Zavadovskoy)
10:14 | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)