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Don Dahlke American artist

Don Dahlke American artist: Don earliest works can be classified as whimsical, capturing the spirit of life in the West Indies. He also experimented with mixed media abstract, and admitted exposing his more spiritual side. Currently building series has been very good development and original and limited edition canvas plan. Don Dahlke Caribbean found from his native Oregon a long way to go. Born in the 1950s, he was the son of a merchant feed. Obviously already know Don's phone is painting. His formal training ended when suddenly an instructor said that as long to paint! He did. Earlier in his career, although he lived in St. Thomas, St. Croix, St. Kitts, still visit and paint frequent inspiration. He was involved in charitable activities and organizations, such as the reef relief.

Don Dahlke paintings


A Splendid Morning.jpg


A Thousand Words.jpg


A Touch of Blue.jpg




Don Dahlke Illusions and Reality



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