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John Boultbee

Brindled Beauty.jpg

'Brindled Beauty'

Brindled Beauty: A Cow.jpg

'Brindled Beauty': A Cow

Broken-Horned Beauty: A Cow.jpg

'Broken-Horned Beauty': A Cow

Garrick Son of Shakespear and Broken-Horned Beauty.jpg

'Garrick', Son of 'Shakespear' and 'Broken-Horned Beauty'

Garrick: A Bullock.jpg

'Garrick': A Bullock

Garricks Sister: A Cow.jpg

'Garrick's Sister': A Cow

Longhorn Beauty.jpg

'Longhorn Beauty'

Longhorn Beauty.jpg

'Longhorn Beauty'



Spotted Nancy: A Cow.jpg

'Spotted Nancy': A Cow

A Bay Hunter Named Sir Oliver.jpg

A Bay Hunter Named 'Sir Oliver'


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