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Adolphe Borie

Man Reading.jpg

Man Reading


Flowers in an Urn

Flowers in an Urn.jpg

Lady with a Hat.jpg

Lady with a Hat

Lady with an Apple.jpg

Lady with an Apple

The Blue Feathered Hat.jpg

The Blue Feathered Hat

Edith Pettit.jpg

Edith Pettit



Dirk Maas


Cavalry Squad

Cavalry Squad.jpg

The Town Hall of Amsterdam.jpg

The Town Hall of Amsterdam

A Cavalry Battle.jpg

A Cavalry Battle



Matthew Harris Jouett paintings

Peter Grayson.jpg

Peter Grayson

Peter Grayson.jpg

Peter Grayson

Martha Scott Bibb.jpg

Martha Scott Bibb

Alexander John Mitchell Jr and Martha Bell MItchell.jpg

Alexander John Mitchell, Jr. and Martha Bell MItchell

Isaac Shelby.jpg

Isaac Shelby

Matthew Harris Jouett.jpg

Matthew Harris Jouett