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Master of the Housebook paintings

The Last Supper.jpg

The Last Supper

The Deposition of Christ.jpg

The Deposition of Christ

Christ Washing the Apostles Feet.jpg

Christ Washing the Apostles' Feet

The Bathouse.jpg

The Bathouse

St Sebastian with Archers.jpg

St Sebastian with Archers

In the pursuit of lesser game.jpg

In the pursuit of lesser game

The obscene garden of love.jpg

The obscene garden of love

The Virgin and Saint Anne.jpg

The Virgin and Saint Anne



Departure for the Hunt.jpg

Departure for the Hunt

Standing Lovers.jpg

Standing Lovers



Marcel Blairat paintings

Street in Tunis Rue à Tunis).jpg

Street in Tunis (Rue à Tunis)

Bedouin Camp next to an Ancient Theater Campement bédouins aux abords dun théâtre antique).jpg

Bedouin Camp next to an Ancient Theater (Campement bédouins aux abords d'un théâtre antique)

In the Oasis of Gafsa Dans loasis de Gafsa).jpg

In the Oasis of Gafsa (Dans l'oasis de Gafsa)



Augusto Valli art

Semiramide Dying on the Grave of Nino also known as Semiramide morente sulla tomba di Nino).jpg

Semiramide Dying on the Grave of Nino (also known as Semiramide morente sulla tomba di Nino)